Well today was a milestone for Daddy in that I took my daughter for her first ride on a motorcycle (it was better me than the some snot-nose kid down the street). It was a moment that I will always cherish. We went around the house about five times as she yelled "Weeeeeee!" I think she is hooked! BTW - she is not allowed on anyone elese's bike except daddy's.
Ava is now sleeping in her "Big Girl Bed' as we call it. The bed is actually my old bunk bed that I my parents were going to pitch. I took a shot at making her a Big Girl Bed which turned out pretty neat. She loves it! If you visit, she WILL show you.
With the twins arriving soon, doctor's orders were to stay put in St. Louis for the 4th. We celebrated with some friends of ours who live in our neighborhood. Sarah's Dad, Larry, really had the whole fireworks show mastered. He had 3 makes shift barges made of plywood that floated when launched in the pond behind their house. Each barge was jammed pack with fireworks all wired with a single wick. So the premise was to light it, push it out into the pond, and stand back! Everything went off perfectly and we had a great time!
With the babies on the way, my motorcycle touring days will be limited to quick trips to the store for diapers. So I decided to sell my beloved Beemer. A back-up guitarist in Deana Carter's band drove up from Nashville to purchase the bike. A moto-head can not go without NO bike at all so I picked up this vintage 1981 Honda CB 750 nighthawk. After a quick paint job, some parts removal, and couple mods, I made it into an old skool cafe racer, "Uncle Jon" style.
The first Saturday of every month, HomeDepot has a free workshop for kids to build simple wood projects. Ava and I have gone 5 months in a row now and she has become quite the carpenter. As Dad says, "teach them early". Her friend Wes also joined us this month and we built treasure boxes.
Mary and Ron came out to visit and surprised us with a "Baby Shower in a box" sent from everyone in Indiana. We were so surprised. Everyone decorated a burp cloth and we also got very cool Purdue outfits from Aunt Laurie.
We attended the local 4th of July fest. Ava was lucky enough to meet her friend Campbell there to go on the rides with. Merry-Go-Round, no problem. Roller coaster, no problem... well until it started moving. Well at least she tried! We had funnel cakes, listened to the music, and even rode a pony.
Grandma and Grandpa visited us and we hung out all weekend around the house. We had a neighborhood party and shot off fireworks early to prepare for the 4th. Ava had her first motorcycle date on a chopper with Connor.
As we tried to clear out our previously used items (junk) at a neighborhood yard sale, Ava tried to cash in on selling water. She did have a couple takers but mostly like trying on the shoes that were for sale.