Aiden John Penziol – 8 lbs. 4oz. @ 8:35a
God has blessed us… twice! We quickly became a family of five and we are loving every minute of it. On August 9th we gave birth to two healthy babies, one boy and one girl. Amanda did a great job delivering via c-section. She is healing quickly and doing great! Everything went smoothly and as planned. Addison came first followed by Aiden a minute later. Big sister Ava is in love with her new brother and sister. She asks to hold them, feed them, and kisses them often. I am very proud of my wife for going through this entire pregnancy with such a great attitude and only a few late night emergency trips to Dairy Queen. Dr. Pignotti also commented how great a job she did carrying the 15 pounds of baby in her the last couple weeks. All the Grand parents came out to stay with us which was great. We are all home now. Let the diaper changing begin...